New project: OECD Data Portal
In July, we have launched a new client site, the OECD Data Portal. The OECD is an international organization that analyses national economies to coordinate the policies of its member states. The OECD conducts well-known studies like PISA and publishes reports and statistics on social and economic topics.

The goal of the Data Portal is to ease access to OECD publications and statistical databases. It is a central gateway to all OECD data for the broad audience, as well as for researchers and journalists. The concept and design for the Data Portal was developed by Raureif and Moritz Stefaner.

A key component of the Data Portal is the visualization of economic and social country indicators. Using different interactive charts, the user can query and visualize a large amount of statistical data. For each country, a dashboard gives a quick overview for comparison. Each chart and country overview can be shared on social media and embedded into other websites. It’s easy to access the source database, find related studies, and download the underlying data.
9elements developed the HTML and CSS for different page types, and the JavaScript application for the chart component and query interface. The chart component uses the D3 and d3.chart libraries to render interactive SVG data graphics in the browser. Currently three types of visualization are available: bar chart, line chart, world map and an accessible table fallback. On the country dashboard, there are three additional custom charts to visualize income inequality, PISA ranking and CO2 emissions.
Our work fits into the existing OECD IT infrastructure, for example OECD’s content management system and the .Stat data querying API. The OECD editors select and configure the charts per indicator to render a meaningful chart.
The Data Portal is still in the beta phase and we’d love to hear your feedback. In the next months, several features will be added. Among others, we’re improving the mobile usability and we’re adding small charts to the topic, country and search result pages. We would like to thank the OECD staff as well as Raureif and Moritz Stefaner for the great cooperation!