You are in good company

9elements is a privately-held company in the middle of the industrial Ruhr Area, Germany.

We create custom software solutions for the web that combine finest craftsmanship with innovative design.

Why choose us?

Technological pragmatists

We use the tools the job requires. Together with our clients we figure out the requirements for a successful and intuitive product.

Strong partnership

We not only write the code, but give advice on the product development right from the start. Our goal is to contribute to a thriving business.

Over 20 years of experience

Time flies. Twenty years have glued us together, allowing us to establish efficient flows and development processes. No bullshit with us.


Melina Presenting Figma Components at one of our monthly production pizza meetings.Three people sitting on a couch in the dark and coding togetherPredominantly male people chatting on a roof terrace in small groups at sunsetA wall on which hang three larger and three smaller illustrated pictures. Below is a wooden bracket on the wall on which is hung a bicycleThere is a TV showing the 9elements logo hanging over a white tv-board with a Stormtrooper helmet, drinks and glasses on it. A plant protrudes a little from the left into the picture.People sit in the back of the office at several tables in a row, both in pairs and alone, and program.

9e in numbers

Finished projects
Babies born


We had the chance to partner with amazing clients from various industries and verticals from all over the world.


We are proud of our team, because they work hard to achieve international recognition within our industry.

  • reddot-design-award
  • awwwards
  • designpreis-der-bundesrepublik-deutschland
  • css-design-awards

Based in the Ruhr Area

See how we work or visit us on our rooftop!

Get in touch