
A successful product needs a solid foundation

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We support you with our know-how even before your product is developed, ensuring the highest quality right from the start. Our interdisciplinary expertise in the areas of business consulting, tech & UX/UI design takes all aspects into account to bring your product to the top.


A concept has many positive features that should be considered when planning a digital product.

Our services

Early-stage challenge of the product idea

Even before we start with the conception, we like to take the time to think through your idea with you. We do this with regard to potential UX issues, but above all with regard to the technical feasibility and strategic positioning of your product. Processes, product strategy, business model and vision - we give you feedback.


We want to get the best out of your product and drill down where it hurts. A concept can only be good if you understand the product and all processes. For this reason, we are particularly interested in all edge cases, because “that rarely happens” often has greater implications than you might think.

Product conception

This includes the development of processes (business logic), the creation of all screens and their behavioral documentation with a UX focus. We think long-term and develop processes that can form the best basis for future features instead of just looking at the status quo.

Product support

Support for your existing product can take various forms. A joint workshop for process optimization or for the general further development of your product or active collaboration on your pain points - we will help you where needed.


Building blocks of a concept


In joint workshops, we develop a comprehensive understanding of the product, all user journeys and any specifications. On this basis, we can then begin with the design.

Technical conception

The technical concept includes the business logic for the developers. Here, processes and edge cases are thought through and visualized in the form of diagrams to bring errors to light more quickly and find solutions before time is spent on developing screens or implementation.


A design that illustrates the structure of your website, app or project. Instead of getting lost in the details, the focus here is on the functionalities and structure of your product.

Clickdummy / Prototypes

Interactive prototypes of your product provide a good basis for usability tests and obtaining feedback from your stakeholders, investors, etc.

Behavioral documentation with a UX focus

After development, continuous support and maintenance of the software is crucial. As a reliable service provider, we provide you with long-term support to ensure the longevity of the product.

Based in the Ruhr Area

See how we work or visit us on our rooftop!

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