Wojtek Gorecki

3 Posts by Wojtek Gorecki

Quit your fucking Job! - Why we need to rethink German Company Culture

Yeah, just quit it. Why? Because, most probably you can get a much better one! Let me explain this bold statement in some detail. Working as a software engineer, I had the chance to take a peek into many different tech companies in Germany. In my...

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An Ember.js application with a Rails API backend

Alright, fellow fullstack developers. In the last few weeks I had the chance to dive into Ember.js - and I would like to give you a complete example of a blog application with Ember CLI for the frontend and Rails as backend server. This article...

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Falk Mobile relaunch, the HTML5 way

No native code should be used for this application. The app is realized as a single-page web application using the popular JavaScript library   with   for the templates. The map component was built with the powerful  . The backend was created...

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