14 Posts by Nils Binder

Four logos in a row. Above the headline says: Building the perfect logo strip

Building the Perfect Logo Strip

We've all been there: you're working on a website and need to display a row of logos—clients, partners, sponsors—you name it. However, logos come in all shapes and sizes, and making them look good together can be quite challenging. How do you get...

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A colored circle and an outlined circle. An arrow connecting both circles. Above the headline is repeated "Duration vs. Speed - A use case for mixed unit division"

Speed vs. Duration - A use case for mixed unit division

Animating elements in CSS can be challenging, especially when you want to ensure smooth transitions across different screen sizes. One issue that I stumble upon quite often is the inability to divide two length values in CSS. For example,  calc(100vw...

Read more about Speed vs. Duration - A use case for mixed unit division
Three rectangles aligned in a grid. The first two are colored while the third one only shows an outline. Above the title of the post is repeated: Rock Solid Auto-Grid

Building a Rock Solid Auto Grid

In this article, I'm sharing a customizable CSS auto-grid layout. It's a grid component that allows for adjustments in minimum column widths, horizontal and vertical gaps, and even the maximum number of columns to fit various design needs. Since CSS...

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The CSS Day logo, in a blue, purple and pink gradient.

My Thoughts on CSS Day 2023

Last week, I had the incredible opportunity to attend my first   in Amsterdam. It was an exceptional experience that left me brimming with newfound knowledge. While I felt confident about certain topics, such as the has-selector and container...

Read more about My Thoughts on CSS Day 2023
A grid showing two squares, one with a 4:3 aspect ratio and one with a 2:3 aspect ratio.

Building a combined CSS-aspect-ratio-grid

Recently I was faced with the following problem: I had to build a layout that consists of several rows. In each row are two  i mages with a fixed aspect ratio. The two images should have the same height and fill the entire row. The images' aspect...

Read more about Building a combined CSS-aspect-ratio-grid
Illustration of an albatross viewed from underneath with its wings spread, on its left side there is a logo container and on its right side there's some content. Another illustration shows this same content, but in a smaller box. This time, the logo is on top, then the albatross, and then the other content.

The Devil's Albatross

I'm fascinated with the concept of algorithmic layouts and got so used to building whole websites without using any media-query, that I sometimes forget they exist. (You got no idea what an algorithmic layout is? Long story short: It's a component...

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A rectangle with a hotpink, dark blue and turquoise gradient. There are multiple solid and dashed lines set to help understand the angle that this gradient is at.

Gradient angles in CSS, Figma & Sketch

Do you know the feeling when a subject never lets you go? In the last years, I have worked with different graphics programs and have written many lines of CSS. Even though it is now easy to copy CSS code for gradients directly from e.g. Figma, I...

Read more about Gradient angles in CSS, Figma & Sketch

Create Diagonal Layouts Like It's 2020

Layouts with diagonal sections are quite popular for several years now. It is not  the new hot stuff , and you will probably not find it in the articles titled "Design trends for 2020". But I think it is here to stay. It is one tool designers can...

Read more about Create Diagonal Layouts Like It's 2020

Sizing Blocks or Areas using CSS Custom-Properties

One of the many challenges when it comes to writing CSS is choosing the right unit. Over the years there has been a lot of controversies whether to use  px ,  em  or  rem  to size text. So I thought, why not add some custom properties to this mixture...

Read more about Sizing Blocks or Areas using CSS Custom-Properties
five differently shaped organic blobs, made with CSS.

CSS Border-Radius Can Do That?

TL/DR : When you use eight values specifying border-radius in CSS, you can create organic looking shapes. WOW. No time to read it all ?— we made a visual tool for you.  During this year’s     talked about  . At the end of her talk, she...

Read more about CSS Border-Radius Can Do That?
Illustration with a classic theatrical light sign that says 'tickets'.

Creating an animated SVG Neon light effect

We at   organize an annual JavaScript conference called  . The key visual shows a shaft tower and the conference name executed with a neon light effect. The main page features the full visual with flickering lights. This effect is created by using...

Read more about Creating an animated SVG Neon light effect

Building a responsive image

There are quite a few articles on the web that deal with responsive logos. The most popular example might be the   that shows some very well known logos in different variations for  different screen sizes. When I first saw this example, I thought...

Read more about Building a responsive image